The mind is an amazing thing. It can turn on you so quick. Something good can become bad, and something bad can become good in a flash.
Every Storm Runs Out of Rain.... |
Photo Credit: Global News & Ted Morgan
I was in a really low place mentally for a few months. It seemed like nothing was working out, nothing was going right, and honestly, I felt horrible about myself. I was miserable.
My husband was a real trooper through all of this and I love him for it. He listened to my cry, whine, bitch, and complain. I know (even though he won't admit it) that he thought I was miserable because of him, and because of the kids. Do you know how hard it is to explain to someone that everything outside of your mind makes you happy but, YOU don't make you happy? Birds made me happy, nature, tv, the girls, him, they all made me happy. I was just unhappy with the person I was. I kinda thought I was having a midlife crisis.
One day he looked at me and said, "the problem is that you want to do it all." Later on my way to the gym I passed a sign for the local watersports rental place. I started thinking about how much I wanted to go SUPing (Stand Up Paddleboarding). And in that split second everything cleared up for me. I realized my husband was right. I DID DO want to do it all. I want to do it all because finally I'm fit enough to and I have the time to. I'm not trying to find myself, I've FOUND myself. I've found the new, healthy, brave, me. After so many years lacking the confidence to do things, I finally have it and I'm ready to conquer everything.
Maybe I'll make that my hashtag for 2015. #ConquerEverything How does that sound?
I'm not going to let anything stop me. I've got things planned for 2015. A bunch of different life paths I want to explore this year. #CantStopMe (This hashtag thing is fun!)
Sometimes, all it takes is a mental flip. Try to find the "glass half full" way to think about something. And I'll leave you with a few quotes. This one is one of my personal favorites.
"Every storm runs, runs out of rain
Just like every dark night turns into day
Every heartache will fade away
Just like every storm runs, runs out of rain"
What happened to make you realize your potential?