I try and vary the workouts I design for my clients. I don't want them to get bored. I want to make sure that they have a varied set of workouts and I enjoy keeping them on their toes. A cutesy little workout is the only way I can really figure out how to "celebrate" most holidays.
Birthday Workout
Birth month -- Number of exercisesBirth Day -- Number of reps
Age -- Number of minutes
SO, my birthday is July 15th and I'm turning 34. Since July is the 7th month I am my clients, are doing 7 exercises. My birthday day is the 15th so they are going to do 15 reps of each exercise. If it's a single leg exercise you do 15 on each side. After 1 set of each exercise they take a few seconds, catch their breath and start at the beginning again. This will go on for 34 minutes since I turned 34.
Lunge pulses
Bear squats
Box Jump
Side leg lifts
Bear squats
Box Jump
Side leg lifts
Suitcase Lifts
I've done this workout with 2 different sets of clients and they have gotten through about 3 rounds.
This doesn't just work with just leg exercises it works with all types. Yoi could do a total body workout, arms and abs, plyo, anything.
Give the workout a try and let me know how it works for you!
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