This is a ZeroBar. What's a ZeroBar you ask? It's a fat free, gluten free protein bar.
I found out about this company from a Facebook folower. ZeroBar graciously sent me a few bars to test out for y'all. I'm not going to lie. I was a bit skeptical about whether or not these were actually going to taste good. But they are amazing. The only flavor they have out right now is Cherry Brownie. {Don't worry though, they have more flavors in the works} It actually tastes like cherries and chocolate.
They website says that they made this for athletes who "want to burn fat, not eat it." It's also great for the athlete that CAN'T eat fat. Actually it's great for ANYONE who doesn't want to eat fat. This bar is great for keeping in your gym bag or your car, your desk or your purse. It makes a great after workout {or middle of the day} snack! It would also be great as a midnight munchies snack. It has a great mix of protein and carbs. It will keep you fuller longer than many munchies will.

I let my girls taste these and now they keep bugging me for them. They love them. Do you have kids? Do they play sports? Give them a ZeroBar before or after practice. Unlike most bars, the amount of protein in these is at an acceptable level for children. {.95 grams per kilogram of bodyweight a day is reccomended. So, an 80 lb child needs 34 grams of protein a day.} The protein will aid in muscle recovery for them, just like it does for adults. And carbs are the most important energy source. It will help them fuel/refuel.
Want to find out more about ZeroBar? Want to get some for yourself? Check them out and tell them you heard about them on The Fit Beach Babe!